Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Big Sexy"

Finally! A new show that actually shows plus size women living a happy, fulfilling and non suicidal life! TLC's new show "Big Sexy" aired today and was a breath of fresh air. I'm sure my fellow plus size ladies would agree with this one. Usually we are portrayed as unhappy, friendless, lifeless women who envy our skinny counterpart. It's time for people to realize that not every fat girl hates herself. The shows follows 5 plus size women as they take over the streets of NYC. They shop, date and work the runways! You can catch it Tuesdays at 9:00pm cst. And just remember "Once you go big, you never go twig!"


  1. Love it --- Like Monique says "EF those skinny bi*ches" LOL -

  2. Thanks, Fernando! Glad to hear you like it!
